Our Tunisian branch supports Harvard's academic research, study abroad programming, and scholarly exchange.

Enabling Research and Academic Programming in the Middle East and North Africa

Harvard Global Research and Support Services, Inc. – Tunisia is the first local branch of our U.S. organization. The office we operate on behalf of Harvard University's Center for Middle Eastern Studies provides a base for in-depth research and academic programming in the Middle East and North Africa. As a registered foreign association in Tunisia, we're able to support a variety of activities across the country.

Permitted activities include:

  • Facilitating research on but not limited to artistic, cultural, economic, educational, historical, legal, political, social, scientific, and technological interests related to Tunisia and the region
  • Hosting seminars, conferences, workshops, and programming for the public benefit of Tunisia and for faculties, students, scholars, and alumni from Harvard and other institutions
  • Advancing culture and customs through the exposure of students and scholars from Harvard University and Tunisian institutions
  • Providing assistance to Tunisian students pursuing studies at Harvard University and elsewhere

Harvard Global Services in Tunisia

In support of the above activities, we can provide the following services:

Historical Audit Reports

Review Harvard Global Research and Support Services, Inc. – Tunisia's historical audit reports for 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, and 2016.

Questions and Contact

Krister Anderson, Associate Director of International Consulting and Projects